Primula, Houseplant of the month of February
It’s almost spring! The Primula fits perfectly into this prospect, because this houseplant is spring in a pot with its colourful flowers and sturdy leaves. In short: the Primula is the perfect Houseplant of the month of February.
Welcome sign for spring
If you look at the Primula, officially known as Primula obconica, before you know it you will be singing a song or whistling a happy tune. The bright green, sturdy leaves and lively flowers will do that to you. This perennial spring flower flowers exuberantly in pink, red, white, purple, lilac or blue and is therefore the welcome sign for spring. Did you know that there is also an outdoor variety of this houseplant?
At great heights
You can mostly find wild Primulas in the mountains of the northern hemisphere, with at least fifteen varieties in the European Alps. In the lower countries Primulas are often yellow because bees pollinate them, whereas in higher areas butterflies pollinate them, resulting in white, pink, blue or violet flowers. Well organized by Mother Nature.
Caring for the Primula
This is how you will keep your Primula happy: place it in a light position, but not in direct sunlight. The Primula will flower best in temperatures between 12 and 15 °C. The plant likes a damp soil, but not too much water. In a warm room you could place the houseplant on a plate with damp gravel, which will maintain its humidity. If you remove the dead flowers regularly it will flower and flower and flower.
Fun facts:
• The Primula is a symbol of hope, growth and new beginnings.
• You used to get itchy if you touched a Primula, but those times are over.
• The name Primula is derived from the word primus (first), because it is one of the first flowers of spring.
• When the Primulas’ flowers age, their colours become darker and more intense. That creates a surprising effect alongside the newer, lighter flowers.
• The big difference between the Primula obconica and the Primula vulgaris is that the latter is not suitable for in the home.
• The Primula is also known as St. Peters Keys which refers to a legend: the guard at the gates of heaven, St. Peter had a beautiful bunch of gold keys. One day they slipped out of his hand and fell onto the earth. At the place where they fell, a beautiful plant grew with a shining bunch of golden yellow flowers. The plant received the name St. Peters Keys.
• Primulas can also cheer up your patio or balcony in early spring.
• The flowers of the common Primula (Primula veris), the short-stemmed Primula (Primula vulgaris) and the slender Primula (Primula elatior) have an aniseed flavour and can be used in pancakes, cake and jam.
• The first real Autobianchi car was the Primula, which was presented in 1964. The Primula was a front wheel driven car with a four cylinder motor.
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Published on: 29 January 2015