28 dubna 2016
Garden Plant of the Month for May: Woodland Sage
Woodland Sage (Salvia nemorosa) is a delight to have in your garden. A breath of wind causes the purple plumes to sway elegantly, and you will keep gazing at them in amazement. One unusual feature is that Woodland Sage is one of the few garden plants with square stems. Honeybees, butterflies and dragonflies also love the plant because of its high nectar production
Čtěte více21 dubna 2016
Blooming tropical plants are the Houseplants of the month for May 2016
Exotic shapes, jungle colours and pent-up natural power come together this month in three houseplants which bring a touch of adventure to any living room. Club Tropicana With the holiday season almost upon us, tropical plants offer a taste of sunny places to come. And with the right care they can bloom until well into late summer, so that you can still enjoy
Čtěte více7 dubna 2016
Garden Plant of the Month for April: Million Bells
If you’re looking to add an instant touch of summer to your garden or terrace in April, the colourful Million Bells is an amazing garden bloomer. The trumpet-shaped flowers resemble those of the petunia, but are a bit smaller. The Million Bells (Calibrachoa) is ideal for hanging baskets, window boxes and pots, and it also does very well in borders amongst
Čtěte více31 března 2016
Peperomia is the Houseplant of the month for April 2016
Many shades of green, with yellow, red and silver. Both plain and with leaf markings. And all this in a compact plant with a strong natural look: Peperomia. Flowers like ponytails Peperomia comes in many types, sizes and colours, from green to pink. The plants have great decorative value thanks to the shape and markings on the leaves, which can be small
Čtěte více10 března 2016
Garden Plant of the Month for March: Azalea
A flowering Azalea is a source of endless delight. March is an excellent month to place your Azalea in the garden so that you can enjoy a truly explosive cascade of flowers from May onwards. Meet the Garden Plant of the Month for March. Many faces The Azalea is a garden plant with many faces that looks fantastic in almost any garden, from hyper-minimalist to natural.
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